to the Studio
I am glad you are here!
Need some guidance for your collage dream journey?
Join me in the studio and hang out. Grab your Collage Kit or just a magazine or two and lets PLAY! Don't be afraid to make ugly art or to lock the door behind for some YOU/ ART time.
Watch any of the videos, this is your resource page for conversation, prompts, and ideas on how to approach your studio practice.
Paper Cut Vlog #1
Paper Cut is an extension to my podcast Studio Confessions. Grab a magazine, a pair of scissors, and join me in my premiere episode as I collage and discuss my process. In this video, I use the August 2019 GQ magazine, and a LOOK magazine circa March 1971. I create three collages using both magazines and little scraps from here and there.
Paper Cut Vlog #2
I am back in the studio. Join me as I cut into a vintage Arnold Schwarzenegger Body Building manual for men. I talk about New York, Colombia, origin stories and the need for art in ugly times.
Paper Cute Vlog #3
Scrapps Episode// Sit with me in my studio as I collage from scraps. While I cut away I talk about my recent trip to podcast movement in Orlando, Florida and reiterate the importance of your voice in art. Lets cut some paper!
Paper Cut #4
En Español
Acompáñenme y hagamos un collage. Bebamos un cafe o un te y platicaremos de mi proceso creativo. También dejaremos que la curiosidad nos guíe en crear esta pieza de arte.